お問い合わせ・ご予約                                             Inquiries and reservations







Please make a reservation here.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

★ We will contact you within 12 hours after confirming your message.If you do not receive a reply within 12 hours, please contact us again.

メモ: * は入力必須項目です

お問合せを 頂く際、「受信拒否設定」されている は、受信でき ように再設定をお願い致します。

お問合せ頂いた方で 返信メールが「 受信否」されこちらからお返事できないままの方が いらっしゃいます。 ご迷惑をお掛けいたしますが、よろお願いたします。



*When you make an inquiry, it is set to reject reception You can receive it Please reconfigure it so that.

"Some of the people who contacted us have been unable to reply to us because their reply email was ""rejected""." We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your cooperation.


*We will reply within 12 hours.If there is no reply, please contact me again.